Please join the DMO North Carolina State Chapter as they host a Cities, Labor & Jobs regional Roundtable. The discussion will take place in Raleigh at the NC State AFL-CIO, 1408 Hillsborough Street on Wednesday, April 24 at 11am. Lunch will be provided.
Before the Roundtable the NC AFL-CIO has invited all DMOs and labor leaders to join them at a press conference introducing a bill to repeal the prohibition against collective bargaining for public sector workers (local and state) in North Carolina. The primary bill sponsors, Senator Wiley Nickel and Representative Zack Hawkins, will be present as well as the North Carolina AFL-CIO President, MaryBe McMillan. Several other local elected officials and workers who would be impacted by this change are attending as well. The press conference begins at 10am at the NC General Assembly in the Press Room of the Legislative Building at 16 W. Jones St, Raleigh, NC.
Once it is over, everyone will head to DMOs Cities, Jobs & Labor Regional Roundtable at the NC State AFL-CIO, 1408 Hillsborough St, Raleigh.
10 am Pre-Roundtable Press Conference hosted by NC State AFL-CIO
NC General Assembly,
Legislative Building, Press Room
16 W. Jones St, Raleigh
11am DMO Cities, Jobs, and Labor Regional Roundtable
1408 Hillsborough St, Raleigh
North Carolina DMOs are welcome to share this invite widely with your Democratic elected official colleagues and local labor leaders.
DMO "Cities, Labor, & Jobs," regional roundtables encourage dialogue between DMOs and labor leaders regarding hot topic labor issues such as raising wages, paid sick leave, pensions, privatization, and trade policy. The Labor Council holds regional roundtables across the nation.
We looking forward to seeing you April 24 in Raleigh.
DMO North Carolina State Chapter